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Tag search results for: "order of wotan"
Tkwilliams Member

Video number one.

        This video makes the correlation between the Christian or Abrahamic mind set and the extreme liberals. I agree I personally  believe it's the same thing in a different package, resulting in that same effect, the restriction of freedom.  I do not think these things are inherently "good" for humanity. The argument on the surface would be, we could not restrict there freedoms to partake in these ideologies because we only have as much freedom as our enemy (so they say). The dilemma is, these ideologies effect the freedoms of everyone else in the community. It's hard to see the right answer.

Video number two.

        I agree with this video nearly its entirety. Although I respect Satanism and hold it close to my heart, I feel sure it's the pagan sole reemerging in modernity without the lingual and ethnic attachment because of tribal blending. I personally  believe Satanism is for the left brain and the tribal sole or ethnikos is for the right brain the unseen part of the sole. We could say that Anton could have agree with this summation, he did say that the acting of ritual was good for people even if it was just a phyco drama.  I think thast why I love the depictions of the Baphomet, perfectly balancing the logic of scientific thought and the esoterica/ creative sole.

Tkwilliams Oct 29 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: order of wotan
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