1. What is a "soul?"
2. What is a soul made from?
3. What or who or how did the stuff that makes souls come into being?
4. What exactly is meant by "spiritual?" Define that word/concept precisely.
5. Where is this spiritual realm?
6. Is this spiritual realm finite or infinite?
7. What is this spiritual realm made out of. It's fundamental building blocks. Like we can say that protons, electrons, and neutrons are the building blocks of the physical realm.
8. How did this spiritual realm come into being?
8. C knows what I'm going say here, and as a matter of fact, without checking, I'm pretty sure I already have. Not only here, but elsewhere on the forum as well. So I could just say 'acausal' and maybe post a music track, and that would be that, or, I could at least indulge a couple paragraphs while simultaneously steering clear of all but the slightest degree of redundancy. Wishful thinking, perhaps.
In order to formulate a reply here. The neat, tidy, and structural orderliness of this current reality construct must be vacated, following a descension into the chaos of which gods are born. So maybe a very brief descriptive loop of nothing : chaos : order : entropy(returning to chaos) : ad infinitum. It makes absolutely no sense how anything can emerge from a static eternal state of absolute nothingness, but in any event, these are the paradoxes of that which is, and that which is not, that require resolution - if that's your thing, you know, like maybe a side gig or something.
It's not necessarily trying to visualize a negative existence, because it's more like the absence of imagination, or any visualization. You can visualize the primordial Godseed, but a common error would be to visualize it within a spatial construct which is not the case. Probably the best route is just to 'say' that there was an eternity when nothing existed, and then something happened - to steal a quote from 2001 A Space Odyssey : something wonderful.
So, the spiritual realm, and everything else came into being via this mysteriously magical and wonderful 'saviour' from this dreaded eternal nothingness, this magic that forever, without cause, causes the wheels of eternity to be forever in motion, with music and whatever else, as opposed to an eternity of silence - ignorance may be bliss, but I still go with the former.
Thus, the cosmological constant has now been upgraded to an acausal element which is not a constant, constant, but more of a recurring constant in that all times past, and all to come, it...
I believe I recall that C said that she likes INXS, so this is a good wrap on this, plus I may do a supplemental follow-up here, just for the hell of it.
1. What is a "soul?"
2. What is a soul made from?
3. What or who or how did the stuff that makes souls come into being?
4. What exactly is meant by "spiritual?" Define that word/concept precisely.
5. Where is this spiritual realm?
6. Is this spiritual realm finite or infinite?
7. What is this spiritual realm made out of. It's fundamental building blocks. Like we can say that protons, electrons, and neutrons are the building blocks of the physical realm.
8. How did this spiritual realm come into being?
3. This is the part where it gets even more fucked up. Theoretical physics will typically regress to the primordial point, but no farther, with the main reason being, I believe, is that you cannot go any farther. There is nothing beyond, and as a matter of theoretical fact, at this juncture, space, and macrocosmic time does not even exist.
There is this inevitable fork in the road. Where you can either go the one way, and accept a cosmological constant of spacetime being static, infinite, and eternal, as opposed to the other, where things magically appear out of nowhere, without cause, i.e. something from nothing. Either avenue being equally absurd upon sufficient interrogation.
With the above, and all things being equal, including the absurdities, there may still be a tendency for four dimensional beings to find it difficult, if not impossible to fathom an alternate existence of absolutely nothing, or, a negative existence, but with absurdities aside, the principle of parsimony(Occams' Razor) tends to lean in that direction.
So in further pursuit of this insanity you will ultimately come to that which emerges without cause; a self-begotten aspect of the primordial. Ineffable is the acausal of negative existence. That which is at the end of this road, and also at its' beginning.
Things come and go, but from where do they come, and where do they go. A single facet of the infinite manifested in the context of unbounded diversity. In what time, in what place, does eternity even yield a time, or infinity a place. Another illusion from nowhere, this emergent nothingness. Ineffable, but still we write.
This individuality considered as illusion, an extension of the limitless, of the Absolute. If the alpha and omega be God, then this be the process which encapsulates these. A dream from nothing, of God itself, further perpetuated.
It is not what we are now that is most important, but what we are a part of, forever...
Material can be put equal to energy, so then, what is energy made of? Energy is made of force carrying particles that traverse the spatial medium at the speed of light in wave form.
So then, what are the particles and waves made of? Archetypes, of, possibility, intention, thoughts, mind, or, consciousness - nothing. Zero volume, reality is an illusion, a dream, but a very persistent one as Mr. Albert Einstein said; also a bit more organized and substantial as well.
And every once in a while I find a use for Metallica : The Holy Trinity : Nietzsche, Tesla, and Einstein. That's all you need, in no particular order.
As it relates to positive and negative existence, anyway, and as for that positive aspect, which is the aetheric material, well, it does have a tendency to become infinitely complex, but that's another story, and after all, that's what aethyrs are all about, stories, of, emergence, experience, and existence.
While this creation seems tantamount to an electromagnetic extravaganza; seductive in ways that transcend the corporeal - the incorporeal bitch; supernal feminine of a lesser density that my soul longs for.
The unadulterated feminine essence that completes me. Now I am a god, and I shall proceed by forgetting this, so that I may relive it, for all eternity.
So the term 'nothing' does not currently resolve to an absence of everything scenario, instead it refers an alternate, prior, and cyclic reality that transcends the conventional space/time continuum indefinitely.
A somewhat practical definition for this primordial nothingness would be that of an unquantifiable zero volume existence. A precursor to the four dimensional space/time medium; further isolating the primordial consciousness by stripping away its illusive properties.
While this is not absolute nothingness. It is a quantitative reduction that approaches it so as to isolate the true and core fundamentals of the eternal algorithm, rhythm...