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Tag search results for: "gullible"

I can define it for you the old fashioned way. Give you the glossed over, clinical definition devoid of real world experience but I'd rather give you something you can apply. Our lives are filled with psychic vampires. You encounter them on a daily basis but they slip by undetected until one targets you and then your perspective of normal human behavior forever changes.

First Awakening: Other people are not like you. Not. At. All.

Decency, honesty, justice, compassion, empathy, remorse, conscience, guilt, love -- these are NOT universal traits. Sure, you know that on a surface level but a psychic vampire is going to bring you to question each of these values on a scale you didn't believe a human could reach. When dancing with a vampire you can not only expect them to step on your toes but be prepared to be stabbed in the back, your throat cut, and disemboweled, all with a vampire smile and within arm's reach of bystanders that can't see your pain nor the malicious attack. The hardest thing for anyone to believe is that they have been deceived. It is almost universal that a person will refuse to believe he is gullible. They trust their impressions of people; they don't actually know them. So the vampire continues to exploit victim after victim right under the nose of others, sometimes gaining support in the abuse.

First Rule: Do not TRUST. Verify.

Don't trust psychic vampires' stories or recollection of events if they are the victim. Real victims rarely tell their stories. They are too ashamed and hurt to reveal the most tender part of themselves to any and everyone. Not a vampire. They tell you to gain YOUR emotion; your pity and empathy so they can play you like a puppet. Real victims seek solace and lick their wounds. Manipulators look for gullible puppets.

Words are empty.
Actions speak volumes.

Psychic Vampires depend on your gullible trust in what you're told rather than what you verify because verification takes time. We must be the Judge and Jury on what we will accept as truth.

Identifier: A psychic vampire will display a pattern of attack and remorse, or aggression and denial. Even better; ridicule and oblivion. Oblivious to their own hurtful words or inappropriate actions. They depend on you to only remember your last encounter with them as though you live in a isolated capsule that hinders the memory of elapsed time. They think that if they appear remorseful and kind today you will forget their maliciousness of yesterday. Don't be fooled.
It's a pattern.

 A pattern of abuse.
They don't deserve a second chance.

Padowan Nov 13 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: psychic vampires, gullible
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