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Tag search results for: "creation"
Cornelius Coburn

- Prologue -

From the Death And The Dead Thread. Questions by C.

I've decided to make this into an eight part blog, as opposed to cramming everything into one, and also so we don't have to work as hard, or for as long - all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

1. What is a "soul?"

2. What is a soul made from?

3. What or who or how did the stuff that makes souls come into being?

4. What exactly is meant by "spiritual?" Define that word/concept precisely.

5. Where is this spiritual realm?

6. Is this spiritual realm finite or infinite?

7. What is this spiritual realm made out of. It's fundamental building blocks. Like we can say that protons, electrons, and neutrons are the building blocks of the physical realm.

8. How did this spiritual realm come into being?

Let the games begin ! Immediately, or in good time - we don't know yet.

Cornelius Coburn Sep 23 '21 · Comments: 3 · Tags: creation, soul, spirit
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