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Dear members,

I first picked up The Satanic Bible about 15 years ago. I'm now revisiting some of the core themes. Due to my career, I'm what you call "in the closet," but nonetheless am looking for others who can discuss these ideas and perhaps improve my philosophy. 

The first Satanic statement, "Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence?" has probably been widely misinterpreted by overzealous teenagers and their parents. However, I've interpreted "indulgence" to mean indulging in life, taking life on life's terms, and working toward becoming successful in my endevours--indulging in the often hard work of trying to get ahead. 

Accordingly, as LaVey articulated, people often mistake compulsion for indulgence. One is a choice, the other is not. Though, isn't there "always" a choice? Despite much of the sensationalist language, naive theories of social Darwinism, and straw-man arguments in The Satanic Bible, I've interpreted "abstinence" to mean, at least for me, abstaining from dominant religious and political ideology which permeates throughout Western culture in a variety of ways, attempting to influence how one should live their life. 

Nevertheless, these are subjective interpretations. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm curious what others on this path choose to indulge in. 


Rasha Apr 2 '16 · Comments: 5 · Tags: philosophy, the satanic bible, indulgence, compulsion
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