My name is Emily Grierson. I'm the heroine from Faulkner's love story.
I live in the world of shadows and dust. I cannot let go of the past. Boldly and stubbornly, I refuse to let it go. The small town I live in is moving ahead but me... I stand still and motionless, in perpetual defiance of movement, stuck in the darkness, neither dead nor alive, forever locked at home. I don't believe in closed chapters and burned bridges. I cannot close one door, cannot open another.
No mortal being, no power in this world, will pull me away from the embrace of my beloved. Please, don't call him a corpse. My love, my passion, still vibrant and burning, is too furious to die.
I stroke his face, I kiss his hands, my grey hair on the pillow. I'm too proud to live and too proud to die. People keep talking about me, call me insane, call me perverse. They send letters, offer roses but I belong to their world no more.
He's here, mine for eternity. He's my world, my love, my life, my death, my everything. The world behind my windows doesn't exist. It's an illusion, annoying distraction. By drawing the curtains close, I've made it vanish. It is no longer here. Gone forever.
So... do not feel sorry for me. Do not pity or mourn me.
Feel sorry for yourselves.