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Tag search results for: "annoying"

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Religion.

Stranger: Hi

You: hello

Stranger: What religion?

You: satanism

You: u?

Stranger: Jesusism

Stranger: But not church

Stranger: U think satan is real?

You: im not a theistic satanist

Stranger: Ok. Do u think God is real?

You: im not theistic

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: Then why bring satan ino it

You: its a satire of christian values

Stranger: What's a christian value u disagree with?

You: the condemnation of our beastly nature

You: selfishness

You: greed

You: materialism

Stranger: But would you want to be stuck in a room of selfish people ???

You: i don't think I've ever been stuck in a room with unselfish people

Stranger: But in theory what would u prefer?

Stranger: The company of selfish or selfless

You: selfless people are very rare because they die of self neglect

You: the ego is the force of life

Stranger: But they make everyone else's life better right?

You: ya so good for everybody else

You: too bad for them

Stranger: Satanism doesn't work for a society. Only for individuals

You: individuals compose a society. morality is a perfectly useful construct to maintain everybody's individually selfish interests

You: satanists just acknowledge it

Stranger: U need to get saved

You: nope

You: I'm already in hell and enjoying it

Stranger: U will die and be anhilated

You: indeed

You: death is god's domain

Stranger: But Jesus offers life

You: jesus is a guise that satan uses to lie to the foolish

Stranger: Sounds ridiculous

You: ur doctrine sounds equally so

Stranger: No. Jesus saved humans from Satan's dominion

Stranger: Pretty simple

You: satan has always had dominion and jesus helps him do it

Stranger: No. Satan lost the bet when Jesus suffered on the cross.

Stranger: And had to release all humans

You: u think the world has been so great since then?

Stranger: No.

Stranger: It's not about this world

Stranger: It's about the next

You: god has the only world

Stranger: I believe in heaven

You: yup

Stranger: U don't want eternal peace and rest?

You: eternal peace and rest is always disturbed by partiers

You: there is no rest

You: there is no peace

You: life is life

You: death is death

Stranger: The fool says in his heart: there is no God

You: did i deny god?

Stranger: Before

You: i said I'm not a theist

Stranger: Ya

You: that isn't denying god

You: I'm denying ur conception of god

Stranger: What is yours then?

You: god is inanimate and satan is animate

You: god created satan through natural selection

Stranger: Who or what is satan?

You: the selfishness of hereditary material created by natural selection

You: the selfish gene

Stranger: Evolution is a lie.

Stranger: They duped you

Stranger: And cheated u out of eternal life

You: there is eternal life

You: my conscious is just one part of it

Stranger: Are you ex- christian?

You: nope

Stranger: Them what made you so messed up

You: life i guess lol

You: just seeing people

You: as they are

You: not being normative or prescriptive

Stranger: U need to get born again

You: there is one life

You: well

You: only one that's completely mine

Stranger: Give It to God

You: i would die were i to give it completely

Stranger: No

Stranger: We all die though

You: that's when we give it all to god

Stranger: The world's highest IQ man said:

Stranger: Nothing is wasted

You: yup

Stranger: So I think God will revive us

Stranger: Like what's the point of ur life if no ressurection?

Stranger: It's all pointless?

You: god creates slaves to satan. being happy is our work. its what we're built to seek.

Stranger: It's different if ur born again

You: satan is the ego that motivates us to continue our legacy

You: you are your ancestors and your progeny

Stranger: Ego must die.

Stranger: Be born again

You: life is the ego

You: and dies when does the ego

You: god is death

You: i'll return to him when I'm ready

Stranger: What if you burm in hell forever?

You: life is hell

You: death is heaven

Stranger: What if ur wrong?

You: what if unicorns exist?

Stranger: That doesn't matter

You: what if the first woman was made from a man's rib?

Stranger: Then evolution is a lie

You: makes more sense then that shit

Stranger: Bible makes sense

You: have fun worshipping a costume

Stranger: You are flesh and think according to the flesh

You: everybody is flesh. those who aren't in denial about it will die

You: and nobody wants die

Stranger: No. I am also a spirit being although I will be in the flesh for many years

You: i wish i could threaten to kill you right now so that you could bet your life on it but i know that i can't

Stranger: My flesh might say stop.

You: lol satan would be doing u a favor

Stranger: But the spirit being in me knows I'll live

You: god is death

Stranger: I was born again

You: go to him

You: if u want to

Stranger: God of the living not the dead

Stranger: You do not know the Scripture

You: lol why would i

Stranger: You should examine it and see your folly

Stranger: And get on ur knees and repent

You: i wouldn't bother

Stranger: gotta go

You: good riddance

Stranger has disconnected.

Yalngarpiril Aug 5 '19 · Comments: 5 · Tags: argument, omegle, annoying, christians
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