Satanic International was started as a YouTube channel in 2009. After a year I saw the limitations of trying to create a networking hub on YouTube. So I decided to create the social networking site Satanic International Network to serve those needs.
Well, after years of success with both the YouTube and network I felt it was time to bring it to the next level. To create an actual organization of like minded individuals world wide. A world wide cabal if you will.
I have seen countless friendships and relationships forged here in real life. I would like to see more of this grow and flourish. Certainly the network and internet in general is a useful tool to use for meeting others. The organization Satanic International is intended for the more serious users. For those looking to meet others in real life and participate in organized events.
Here are a few key points to our organization.
We are critical thinkers here. We put logic and reason above superstition and mysticism.
We do not believe in imaginary friends or wishful thinking. We believe in the application of will, desire and talent to achieve our goals. There is a sense of brotherhood and comradery among are members.
In the not to distant future we will be appointing chapter heads around the world base on their geographical locations and abilities.
Although Satanic International Network has been around for over five years, Satanic International organization is very new (2014). Should you wish to help form the organization now would be an ideal time to become an official member.
Once again, official membership is not required to use our network Satanic International Network. The network will remain free to all users ( except me ). For the more serious users here is what the organization Satanic International has to offer its registered members.
All of this is optional and can be selected according to your whim.
- 1.A membership package including card, certificate and a letter welcoming you to the organization.
- 2. Your desired name on the ROSTER ( LIST OF MEMBERS ) of official members should you choose to. Whatever name you want to go by is fine.
- 3. A member tag on your avatar on the network.
- 4.A private group/forum for members only.
- 5.VIP statues at up and coming events.
- 6. Access into the chapters that are forming now.
- 7. Ability to better promote your own stuff on the network.
- 8. Hefty discounts on merchandise we are creating now.
- 9. More to come.
To become an official member of Satanic International you need to go through a few steps.
1.Send a request to
2. Fill out the questionnaire I send you.
3. Send the questionnaire back to me.
4.If approved send me a mailing address for your membership card, certificate and papers.
5. Send 25 dollars to my Paypal ( Donation button ). The 25 dollars is required for several reasons.
- a) To weed out the less serious people.
- b) To cover administrative cost and shipping.
- c) Up keep for the network.
- d) My time to process all this.
Enjoy your stay. If you are approved contact Zach Black if you would like to become more active in the organization.
SINcerely, Zach Black
** The blank spots on the certificate is where your name goes and my signature.**
This is the list of registered members. Not all registered members are listed.
Some wish to remain anonymous and are listed in no particular order.
Just in . As of 10/2018 the certificates will look like this printed on a heavy matte card stock .

Click HERE to see the roster list of members