Welcome to the most active and popular social networking site for Satanists. S.I.N. is the last standing private social networking site for Satanist still active. We stood the test of time while the copycats, naysayers and haters all crumbled away into obscurity and archived footnotes. I do believe I told you we would. We are here to stay. Bedrock. May the fields turn out a decadent harvest and the up and coming Ubermensch.

This network was designed for Satanists and other LHP practitioners, but all critical thinkers of any faith and philosophy are invited to participate here.

Enjoy your stay and make the most of it. This is the place to be if you are looking for comradery with fellow Satanists on the path.

To join all you need to do is register. The network is free to all users but myself. Should you wish to toss some coinage our way in a donation we certainly would appreciate it.

We hope to serve as a networking hub for like minded individuals. A loosely structured cabal stretching around the world is what you see here.

Many have forged friendships both on a causal and intimate level here. The possibilities are only limited by your abilities. Be on your best game. We expect no less.

Stratification is in full effect here, so hold your own, or you may find yourself being crushed under the wheel of satanic progress.

This network is free to use. If you are interested in the organization please go HERE.

Failure to read and apply site policy is grounds for your termination without warning.

It may take a few days to approve your account. If you do not get a email verification you can email us or just give it a couple days I will push you in.

Satanic International Network was established by Zach Black in 2010.

Edit *** If you are here to sell your soul or join the illuminati go away. If you could sell your soul it would be worthless anyhow. You can not join the illuminati you are recruited . If you think this is a gay BDSM network you are mistaken. The latter might find someone here but if that is your reason for joining you will probably be disappointed. *******. 10/2024 ZB

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Jay d. Davis
The Man
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Feb 25
Look what’s going on in the world right now. Extremism everywhere. Western countries are turning into Christian theocracies. We have to be careful.
Feb 25
I’ve been having a lot of anxiety the past two years or so that there will be a new Satanic Panic that will get Satanists killed or…..now….deported.
Feb 19
Feb 19
My apologies. The way I worded my prior comment makes it kind of sound like the Zizians were posting here. To my knowledge they weren’t. What I was referring to was posts I read on their own forum.
Feb 19
Just read some of the Zizians posts. Note: If any of you end up doing something stupid, the media is going to read everything you posted on here. So if you don’t want the world to see what you post, don’t do anything stupid.
Feb 18
Initially that's why we love Satan right
Feb 18
Just found out about the Zizians. Just goes to show how smart people can become completely brainwashed to do stupid things.
Feb 17
Get in where ya fit in right?
Feb 17
In reference to my prior comment. I don’t have anything against LBGT people, but I do have something against LAZY LBGT people. There’s a high proportion of them on welfare and it’s a problem.
Feb 16
Ur funny I'm sure you could SELL OUT crowds as a comedian
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Baphomets Mod
That's fair.
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Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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